Elevate Your Smile Appeal with Cosmetic Dental Bonding Placed in One Day

Are you bothered by chips, stains, and gaps in your teeth? Composite dental bonding in Chicago, Illinois, can enhance your smile’s aesthetics quickly and without breaking the bank. By applying tooth-colored material (composite) on your front-facing teeth, A Brush Above Family Dentistry can erase minor dental flaws for an instant transformation. 

If you’d like to know what dental bonding can do for your smile, schedule an appointment with Drs. Marcella Guzman, Philip Fidel, and Rosa Sinno today. 

What is the process of composite bonding?

Dental bonding is a same-day procedure used to enhance discolored, gapped, or chipped teeth. Unlike dental veneers or crowns, transforming your smile with dental bonding requires little to no tooth preparation. The bonding material is placed directly on the enamel without removing any structure. 

The process begins with an examination to ensure you are the right fit for dental bonding. If yes, we’ll professionally clean your teeth before applying a special liquid to create a strong bonding surface. Then, we carefully apply the composite material to your prepped teeth. Next, we’ll sculpt the bonding material to the desired shape and then harden it with a curing light. The final step is to polish your teeth for a natural-looking finish. 

What are the benefits of dental bonding?

The key benefit of dental bonding is that the procedure only requires one appointment, with each tooth taking about 30 minutes. This means that in a matter of hours, we can erase your discoloration, tooth damage, and uneven gaps just in time for your upcoming big event. 
The other benefits of teeth bonding include:

• Natural-looking results
• It’s conservative and reversible
• The procedure is versatile to eliminate numerous dental flaws
• You don’t need anesthesia unless when the tooth damage is significant or near a nerve
• It’s cost-effective
• Relatively long-lasting results

Our mastery of dental bonding allows us to deliver fantastic results. Once we bond your teeth, any patchiness will be hidden, and the material will be carefully shaded to achieve lifelike results. After teeth bonding, no one will be able to tell you had cosmetic work unless you say something.

How do I maintain my bonded teeth?

Although dental bonding doesn’t last as long as porcelain veneers or crowns, the results can be maintained for up to eight years with proper care. Good news! Caring for your bonded teeth is similar to maintaining your natural teeth. 

Maintenance tips for dental bonding include:

• Brush and floss daily
• Visit a dentist every six months
• Wear a custom mouthguard if you grind your teeth
• Don’t use your teeth as tools to cut fingernails or open bottles
• Avoid smoking as this can discolor your bonded teeth

Am I a suitable candidate for dental bonding?

Even if you observe near-perfect dental care, your teeth tend to wear out over time. This means your teeth will look and feel healthy, except for a few dental chips and stains. Fortunately, you don’t need extensive and expensive procedures to correct your minor issues—composite bonding can do the magic!

Ready for teeth bonding in Chicago, IL? Call (773) 840-0378 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Guzman and the team.